October 16, 2016

HUBweek at Harvard

I've embarked on a new journey in design and will be spending the next year or so in the Boston area studying human factors in information design. Everything I've been learning so far, has been absolutely mind-boggling (as well as reaffirming, from a psychological perspective, why design principles are the way they are). The level of technology and predictions for the future are way beyond anything I could have ever imaged (meanwhile all my tech friends are probably well aware of these things).

One of the events I attended here was hosted by Harvard University, during HUBweek, which centered around exploring the advances made in augmented and virtual reality. The exhibits ranged from using virtual reality for entertainment, gaming, training in sports, to practical uses in medicine, such as improving vision or replicating texture through vibrations (Tactai) for educational purposes. I tried a hand full of the exhibits, which were a lot of fun, and brought home a low-fidelity prototype of a virtual reality headset for myself to play with. 

It has only been a short time, but I get the feeling that being in Massachusetts will be a positive investment for the long-term. It also can't hurt to say, Bentley University, MSHFID, (the program I am in) was awarded by UX Magazine for excellence in academics in design experience.