September 21, 2012

How to Be a Creative Thinker

  1. Learn something new every day. Creativity happens when you make the effort to learn or try something new.
  2. Make a list. Jot down all your ideas whether it’s good or bad. Make this a habit and it can help lead you to bigger and better ideas.
  3. Keep an open mind and evolve as the world evolves to keep your work interesting.
  4. Say no to what doesn't work. As much as you want something to work sometimes it’s better to cut it out. Do this to help preserve your creativity.
  5. Share your ideas with others. Talking about your ideas with someone else and bouncing thoughts back and forth can lead to a better solution or make the original idea even better.
  6. Last but not least, my favorite tip is to let your mind run wild. Don't let anything hold you back from being creative!