November 02, 2012

Designing for the Mobile Consumer

With the increasing use of mobile devices designers have to alter their traditional thinking of designing on static surfaces and account for designing in flexible spaces. Since the release of Adobe Creative Suite 6, designers have had the opportunity to discover the new features available for making this a more efficient process.

InDesign has been updated to include a new tool called liquid layout. The liquid layout feature automatically adjusts text and images into vertical and horizontal spaces allowing designers to quickly view the aesthetic of a mobile design in one simple click of the mouse.

The biggest change to Illustrator and Photoshop are that the programs now run on a 64-bit platform, meaning increased performance. A few other things to note about Photoshop are the new cropping options available to users, making changes to images much more flexible. And to top it all off, the addition of the content awareness fill tool (a feature introduced in CS4 but now with more capabilities) can do things that will amaze you.

I've personality never been a fan of using Photoshop to manipulate images extensively, but the content awareness fill tool is a tool to be desired.

I attended a WAG U workshop with presenter Andrew Keith Strauss (a certified Adobe trainer) to learn about these tools. Watching the demonstrations for the updates in CS6 just boggles my mind for the new possibilities that lie ahead in graphic design.

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